Responsible for:
Supervise the process of our projects, from planning the production process to executing the plans and handing out the results after production is done
Widen our project support and clientele networking channel, while also maintaining our good relations with current partners.
Form formidable teams to handle our projects and lead them during the work process.
Qualified in:
Keeping up with the latest state of mediums used in tackling projects, such as illustrations and movies.
Having a good managerial skill.
Communicating actively in English, speech and written.

Responsible for:
Producing quality-digital artworks eligible for movies and games promotion.
Collaborate with fellow artists in a team environment.
Qualified in:
Knowing the fundamentals of illustration.
Knowing your way throughout Adobe Photoshop and skilled to operate
Communicating well with peers, open to receive criticism for growth and collaborate with fellow artists.
Handling work under the pressures of tight deadlines and overlapping project.
Keeping up with the latest trends of the creative industry and its mediums,
good enough to apply them as appeals of your artworks.

Responsible for:
Producing quality-artworks to conceptualize games and movies alongside the art director and lead artist, from character designs to setting environments.
Coordinating projects alongside fellow team members proactively
Qualified in:
Providing a portfolio that stands out with a uniquely authentic style and strong design sensibility.
Knowing your way throughout Adobe Photoshop and skilled to operate it creatively, skills in 3D artistry (with softwares such as Blender and ZBrush) is appreciated too.
Having persistence in research and broadening knowledge as the key of designing with depth, details, and quality-visual literacy.
Drawing and compositing excellently
Communicating excellently, from taking direction of a project to receiving constructive criticism

Caravan has always open its doors for internship programs, whether you want to grow your skills and creativity as an artist or learn your way up in the creative and entertainment business.
To enroll in our internship, you should send:
Latest Curriculum Vitae
Latest artworks (minimum of 5) with JPEG or PDF format, portfolio websites are allowed in the form of link (no ZIP or RAR).

Note to keep:
All files sent should be 10 MB maximum.
Responsible for:
Supervise the process of our projects, from planning the production process to executing the plans and handing out the results after production is done
Widen our project support and clientele networking channel, while also maintaining our good relations with current partners.
Form formidable teams to handle our projects and lead them during the work process.
Qualified in:
Keeping up with the latest state of mediums used in tackling projects, such as illustrations and movies.
Having a good managerial skill.
Communicating actively in English, speech and written.

Responsible for:
Producing quality-digital artworks eligible for movies and games promotion.
Collaborate with fellow artists in a team environment.
Qualified in:
Knowing the fundamentals of illustration.
Knowing your way throughout Adobe Photoshop and skilled to operate
Communicating well with peers, open to receive criticism for growth and collaborate with fellow artists.
Handling work under the pressures of tight deadlines and overlapping project.
Keeping up with the latest trends of the creative industry and its mediums,
good enough to apply them as appeals of your artworks.

Responsible for:
Producing quality-artworks to conceptualize games and movies alongside the art director and lead artist, from character designs to setting environments.
Coordinating projects alongside fellow team members proactively
Qualified in:
Providing a portfolio that stands out with a uniquely authentic style and strong design sensibility.
Knowing your way throughout Adobe Photoshop and skilled to operate it creatively, skills in 3D artistry (with softwares such as Blender and ZBrush) is appreciated too.
Having persistence in research and broadening knowledge as the key of designing with depth, details, and quality-visual literacy.
Drawing and compositing excellently
Communicating excellently, from taking direction of a project to receiving constructive criticism

Caravan has always open its doors for internship programs, whether you want to grow your skills and creativity as an artist or learn your way up in the creative and entertainment business.
To enroll in our internship, you should send:
Latest Curriculum Vitae
Latest artworks (minimum of 5) with JPEG or PDF format, portfolio websites are allowed in the form of link (no ZIP or RAR).

Note to keep:
All files sent should be 10 MB maximum.